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Oseneth The Inexorable (They/Them)

Oseneth the Inexorable is one of the most powerful sorcerers in Nequam. The sounds of their devious new spells can be heard booming from their tower, and the most catastrophic ones can be seen lighting up the sky. Few who enter the tower ever escape, and those that do tell of the horrors they witnessed inside.

It's an open secret that the reason Oseneth is constantly recruiting new Underlings is their propensity for using them as test subjects for their new spells, especially if you end up displeasing them. Many consider it fortunate that Oseneth's delight in a wide range of experimental magic means that getting caught in the blast is often not fatal, but can lead to all manner of side effects. Still, they need someone to fetch potion ingredients, and tidy up around the castle (few forget the infamous enchanted brooms incident), and the pay's not that bad, making them one of the more attractive employers in the High Fantasy circles.

villain/oseneth_the_inexorable.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/30 16:49 by gm_cameron