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The Underlings' Union
Underlings have served Villains for as long as anyone can remember. However in recent years there has been a growing sense of unrest amongst some Underlings - why should we put up with doing whatever our Villains say all the time? Of course, things aren't as simple as just deciding to put a stop to it. Villains have all the power, and some Underlings are even metaphysically bound to serve their masters.
Then, a few months ago, rumours of a way to change things began to circulate. A few individuals, headed by Jenny Lex, began organising a union - a new way to give some power to the Underlings, even if only a small amount. Word spread around the Nequam, and eventually enough people gathered together and voted to officially start the Underlings Union. The first official meeting of the Union was declared, where all Underlings could have their voices heard and decide the future of the Union.
Jenny Lex (She/Her)
Jenny had never been particularly ambitious as an individual. She simply found herself in the right place at the right time; so that when idly complaining about the state of things turned into an actual movement she found herself, somewhat reluctantly becoming the figurehead of the movement. Whatever you may think of her, she's ended up proving to be an effective leader. Although now things are official, whether someone else will want to step up and get themselves elected as head of the Union remains to be seen.
The Meetings
From the get-go, the Union was about giving power to those that didn't have it. As such, Union meetings are a place to vote on the direction of the Union, and how conflicts are handled. Anyone may submit a motion to be voted on in a meeting, as long as it is done ahead of the meeting. Then throughout the meeting members will have the chance to discuss the issues raised and vote on them, with the result of the votes being tallied and announced before the end of the meeting.
And there is a lot to vote on. Right now the Union is simply a tautological entity with little meaning beyond that it is a union. What that means, and how you go about utilising your collective power is all up for debate. The broad aims of the Union are to get recognised and have their authority respected by most Villains, and to become a credible counter to any unfair or abusive behaviours directed at Underlings.