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Turn 0 News
The Underlings Union
News of the newly formed “Underlings Union” spread quickly throughout Nequam - Underlings of all sorts of Villains will often share gossip about what's going on while shopping for supplies for their Villain's latest scheme. Most Villains seem unaware of the Union at present (after all, what self-respecting Villain has time for whatever inane ramblings their minion is on about this week? There are schemes to be schemed!). Those that have heard about it consider it a fleeting modern fad from the more eccentric Underlings, a phase that'll pass soon when they've got it all out of their system, right?
The first question on everyone's mind is what sort of things will the Union be able to achieve? A few potential ideas have been circulating, and some common issues people expect to be raised at the first meeting are as follows:
- Blood Sacrifices - Should Underlings ever be obliged to sacrifice their own blood as part of their role as an underling? Sourcing victims for your Villain is of course entirely within the remit of being an Underling, and should provide an ample source of blood.
- Villain Association - Should Underlings in the Union have to declare which Villain they are serving?
- Union Roles - What official positions need to exist within the Union, and who should fill those positions?
In the long term, the broad aims of the Union are to get recognised and have their authority respected by most Villains, and to become a credible counter to any unfair or abusive behaviors directed at Underlings. There is a particular eye towards villains in the club, as the most well known assemblage of villains in Nequam.
Immortas Complete Take-over of GlobaCure
Immortas have announced the completion of their acquisition of GlobaCure Health Services. Customers will be seamlessly transitioned to Immortas' healthcare plans, with no loss of service. Immortas representatives have downplayed rumours of downsizing resulting from the merger, saying that all employees of the acquired company will be given opportunities to re-skill and slot seamlessly into roles within the healthcare giant.
In response to accusations from the families of some former customers, Immortas representatives have categorically denied all accusations that glitches in their system resulting from the enlarged customer base have caused repossessions to be enforced on fully paid-up accounts.
- The Fiscal Chronicle
Glass Workers Union
The Glass Workers Union of Abizyl is currently threatening action due to unsafe workplace conditions during deliveries. The union leader Frederick Malady has gone on record, noting the number of high speed chase related injuries have increased dramatically over the past decade. While their concerns are not currently being acknowledged by the Villains of Nequam, the Glass workers Union are looking for support from other organisations, and are asking for other unions to join them in solidarity.
- Nequam News
Marching Orders
There is a growing sense of unrest around the Tenebrific Mountains. Things have been quiet. Too quiet.
Those who've been around a while know this usually means that something big is on the horizon - armies arming up to begin an assault on neighboring territories. It's hard to know where the attack will come from until forces start marching, but the common wisdom is to start battening down the hatches for when things kick off, to avoid getting caught in the cross-fire.
Word on the Streets
“Mate, keep your fucking head down right now - someone's cleaning up shop. The Rooks, the Holdouts, Bryce's Troupe - half the gangs in the undercity got hit last night, bombs and guns and all kind of shit. And now half the city is jumpy wondering if they'll be next, and the other half are jockeying to fill a bunch of empty boots and take charge, and we still got no clue who did any of it.”
- Overheard conversation in a dingy bar in Central
What Gets The Blood Pumping
Rumours percolate through The Quiverwoods more effectively than does sunlight. Rumourmongers mutter of Countess Estella dell'Æmoglobina's current novelty: a wilful young lady who resides in her castle. The two struck up conversation whilst the young lady, Celeste, was taking midnight air with no scarf on a balcony of white roses: a situation guaranteed to get Countess Estella's interest. Unfortunately for the Countess, while Celeste delights in living in her castle, dining with Estella, and singing while swinging from library ladders, the two are not yet an article. The young lady has now spent many months in the castle; the amount of presents showered upon her has caused her to move rooms at least once as the ancient stonework gave way under the weight of jewellery and puppies. The Countess, they say, is at her wits' end to know how to win this lady's heart.
The Obsidian Diadem
A diadem belonging to Queen Alyx, Ruler of the Damned has reportedly gone missing. Word is she's furious and on the war path to get it back. The exact properties of the Obsidian Diadem are unknown, but it is rumoured to be extremely powerful, meaning any number of villains might have been responsible. It has also drawn some interest as Queen Alyx was known for keeping it pretty secure, and now it's out in the open, it might be a lot easier for… other parties… to get their hands on it, rather than facing the Queen herself.
Centre Stage on Opening Night
Having been heavily anticipated for several years, The Centre Stage Stadium has recently finished construction in Epicentre. Work began on the stadium as a collaborative effort from banks, art galleries and prominent jewellers in an attempt to divert the attention of fame-seeking Villains away from their own businesses, at least for a short time. Flyers were spotted throughout the city during the construction seeking local Villains to apply to perform on opening night. However, these have been recently pasted over with hastily scrawled posters reading “APPLICATIONS CLOSED. You’ll have to decide amongst yourselves who’s taking the lead here. Please just don’t kill us!”
More Boats Vanish as Disappearances Continue
Recent disappearances in Abizyl Bay have led to several concerns in the local community. Over the past two weeks, several fishing boats and pleasure yachts have gone missing, some with passengers still aboard. Local diving enthusiast Mitchell Graves reports he was diving late at night when he surfaced and found the boat, and all his colleagues, had vanished from the surface above. When questioned, no local villain has claimed responsibility for these disappearances. If any readers have information please contact the Abizyl Advertiser office.
- Abizyl Advertiser
All Aquiver
“Have you seen? The wood's changing. I've just come by the old mansion at the gantry crossroad. The oaks are grey and drooping.”
“So? They're supposed to be grey and drooping. Got to have grey and drooping leaves around over mansion windows.”
“No, no. It's the wrong sort of grey and drooping. Igor says so too. The trees are dying.”
“What, more than usual?”
“Yes. They're supposed to be dying. They're not supposed to actually die.”
“So what's happening? Some sort of disease?”
“How should I know? Perhaps the Monastery of the Farflung Lady has been improperly disposing of potions again.”
“Eh. I'm sure the Villains will sort it out.”
- A conversation between two grey and drooping servants in an inn under on the edge of the Quiverwoods
Fan Rivalry
“And finally this evening, ‘Are fans worse than Villains?’. Here to answer that question is head of the Villain Fan Association, Flare Brightly. Flare, what do you have to say about reports of increased violence from fan communities in Epicentre?”
“Well, obviously these accusations are nonsense. Villains are much more devastating than us fans, that’s why we love them so so much! Especially Spotlight, I mean wow, talk about a blinding flash… where was I? Oh yes, look, just because some fans are getting a bit excited doesn’t mean we’re doing anything wrong. It’s all just enthusiasm. Everyone wants to prove their Villain is the best. The weird ones are the ones who aren’t a fan at all. Any 'encouragement' given to them is totally understandable. If you’re not on any team, what's even the point of existing?”
- Pulse of the City News