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Althea Linden

Hospital Destroyed

Reports are coming in that the Eternal Hospital, the first hospital founded as part of the Quiverwoods Health Service, was destroyed last night. It appears that it has been razed to the ground by Countess Estella's minions, apparently as retaliation for one of the hospital founders absconding from her service.

Lord Harcoeur, on whose land the second oldest hospital in the network was founded, has condemned the action, stating that such an act of disrespect for the Quiverwoods is the final straw, and that he intends to claim the land on which the old building stood and see it rebuilt better than ever. The medical school in the Harcoeur Hospital has provided many of the finest doctors in the woods, several of them being werewolves with strong ties to the Harcoeur family.

The administration of the Quiverwoods Health Service have assured the public that casualties from the attack were minimal, as most patients had already been moved to one of the other hospitals in their growing network after increasingly hostile action from the Countess.

Lycanthropy and Likeability

Lord Harcoeur sits in a grand chair behind his desk, casually reading a newspaper as one of the family is shown in. Claudia is in human form, though the air about her is still very much that of a chastised puppy with its tail between its legs.

“You know why I summoned you here, do you not?” Lord Harcoeur speaks, without deigning to look up from his paper.

Claudia bristles at the disrespect. ““My lord, keeping those people around brings shame to the family - I don't wish to question your decisions, but -”

“Then don't.” Lord Harcoeur growls. “All of the servants in this house were hand picked by me. Including the one you attacked for…” he checks a note on his desk, “being mistaken for you by a guest.”

He folds the paper. “She's not even one of the bastards, Claudia. It's pure coincidence. The medics treating here, however, are mostly half-Harcoeur. They won't be treating you any longer - you no longer have the protection of this house nor any right to inherit from it.”

Lord Harcoeur is old, his hair grey and thinning, but it is a fatal mistake to assume that “old” is the same as “frail”. Especially if you are a young upstart noble prone to impetuous anger. The head of the family took maybe a few more scratches than he would have in his younger days, a little slow to react to Claudia's pounce, but in the end the only casualty of note was the desk that stood between them.

Within an hour, he was in the infirmary and hey corpse was unceremoniously dumped at the borders of his lands.

He looks pensive as the head of the infirmary tends to his wounds, remembering how she came to his door all those years ago.

“Perhaps it is time for a change, after all.”

Where There's a Will...

This is the last will and testament of the late Lord Harcoeur, prepared by the Coven of the Endless Sun, such that any who disobey his wishes shall bear a curse upon their very soul.


Those former lands of the Countess Estella, taken during the conflicts between the houses, are given in perpetuity to the Quiverwoods Health Service, including the rebuilt structure of their original Hospital.


All those of Harcoeur blood, however diluted and however the union that produced them came about, are to be welcomed into the family - with the same rights and responsibilities as any member.
Signed in blood and bound in magic,
Lord Harcoeur
eternity/althea.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/17 17:33 by gm_cameron