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Example Turnsheet
Action 1
Steal the Jewel Eerie from Epicentre Central Bank and pretend it gets stolen from me.
My Villain asked me to steal the Jewel Eerie when they appeared at the last Union meeting. My #1 priority is looking competent, so if I steal the Jewel and my Villain knows I have it I will give it to them. However, if possible I want to end up with it myself (I've already promised it to Norma L'Guy.).
Joy Fulsmile said that she would help me with this. She says that she will use her bat-like sonar (squeaks and those ears of hers) to keep lookout and detect unseen obstacles. I don't trust her to be sensible whatsoever, so I'm going to go in first and if there is a delicate security area (e.g. moving lasers, robots requiring riddle answers) then I want to try to take charge.
I asked Sue Denim in session and she said that she is going to give me her aerolance line gadget. She described it as a kind of manoeuvrable invisible high-tech bungee jump that can stick super-securely either end. I'll sneak onto the rooftop and find a window/air vent. Then I'll use this aerolance to abseil in, maybe to lower it through the roof of the room that the Jewel is in to stick to the Jewel and reel it in. If Sue doesn't give me it I suppose I will have to use another way to break in… maybe Joy Fulsmile will have an idea or I can use my explosives in my Toolbox.
In order to make it look like I was competent and it wasn't my fault that I haven't ended up with the Jewel, I'm going to stage a robbery on my getaway van. I'll use my Favour Owed Quirk to ask Mrs Rele Naem from The Outfit to ambush my getaway van as we leave the bank. I'll ride in the back, they'll crash into us, we'll scatter debris all over the road, I'll leave a broken safe in the van, and Rele will beat me up a bit so it'll look like I've been mugged.
Hopefully this is enough to convince my Villain that I did a competent job and it wasn't my fault they haven't got the Jewel. (Yes, I'm aware that I have the Quirk No Room For Failure and that might hit… but my #2 priority is to get this to Norma L'Guy!)
Relevant Quirks/Resources
- Favour Owed: Mrs Rele Naem from The Outfit
- Unnoticeable (to help with sneaking around the bank)
- Item: Aerolance gadget from Sue Denim
- No Room For Failure?
- Tool: DIY explosives
Other Characters / NPCs Involved
- I'm expecting Sue Denim to turnsheet to give me her aerolance gadget
- Joy Fulsmile is involved in the heist
- Mrs Rele Naem
Action 2
Help Frank Lee C. Lee rebuild the supervolcano
So in session, Frank Lee C. Lee said that they wouldn't track me down for an eternity of pain if I helped them undo the damage I did to their supervolcano last downtime. We're going to the magma core in their supervillain's submarine to try to reroute the lava flow. I could use my explosives to help with this.
I haven't told them I'm claustrophobic, my character is hoping to get away with it.
I understand that Frank will be joined by a couple of other PCs, including MC!Exclamation. They're going to try something about flooding someone else's lair with lava too, but I personally don't care about that. I only want to look helpful to Frank.
They told me that there's a chance that Countess Estella will be coming to ruin the plan because Frank & Exclamation suggested the Union motion that Villains no longer be allowed to charge Underlings rent in blood.
If this looks like it is going south, I am prioritising my own escape. I am not fighting Estella and I'm not invested in risking my skin to help Frank or any others.
Relevant Quirks/Resources
- Tool: DIY Explosives
- Phobia: Claustrophobia, given I'm in a submarine
Other Characters / NPCs Involved
- Frank Lee C. Lee
- MC!Exclamation
- Countess Estella dell'Æmoglobina
Action 3
Find out more about “The Great Unknowable One”
High Priest Aldarr seemed awfully suspicious at the meeting, and kept referencing this “Great Unknowable One”. I don't know what's going on there really, but I feel like it's worth getting ahead of the curve on it.
I know it's something Otherworldly, so I guess head to Abyzil and start investigating from there. (OC Sorry not really sure what I'm looking for here so the plan is a bit vague!)
Relevant Quirks/Resources
- Unnoticeable: Not sure what I'm expecting to find, but we're going for the sneaky approach
Other Characters / NPCs Involved
- High Priest Aldarr
- The Great Unknowable One
Minor Actions
- Attend the product launch party thrown by Immortas. I was invited by Sue Denim and she said there'd be freebies.
- Give some healing potions made from my medicinal herbs (Tool +1 Quirk: Herb Garden) to Boris “The Invincible” Grishin
- Water my Japanese peace lily