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Example Characters
Example 1
Gwenfield (She/They)
Background: Gwenfield (or Gwen, to their friends) had a fairly ordinary life, until one fateful night on a trip back from the bar. After this encounter with Embry, Gwen now resides in her manor in the Quiverwoods, hoping to one day achieve this incredible power she has witnessed.
Villain name: Embry Black (She/Her)
Genre: Gothic Horror
Description: To the untrained eye, Embry may look human, but during the full moon, she transforms into a monsterous hairy creature.
- Power: 2
- Influence: 4
- Flexibility: 2
Goals: Embry doesn't have any wider ambitions beyond regularly devouring the poor souls that cross her path. She likes to put on a good image for the club though.
Your relationship to the villain: Gwenfield crossed paths with Embry a long time ago, and impressed her by surviving Embry's attack (barely). Gwenfield tends to all of Embry's needs (usually repairing the damage done by the beast), and in return Embry has promised to fulfil Gwen's desire to be turned into a fellow creature. It's gonna happen any day now…
- Unnoticeable (+2): months of avoiding the beast have taught Gwen how to move around unnoticed
- Resources (+2): Embry is rich - rich enough to own a mansion and be able to repair it regularly. For practicality Gwen has been given access to these funds to maintain things, which means she has a lot of discretion about what needs to be bought.
Playstyle Options
- Chances of Success: 3
- Darkness of Themes: 4
- Ballgowning: 5
Example 2
Boris "The Invincible" Grishin (He/Him)
Background: Boris has long wanted to work for a famous villain but his lack of aptitude in basic henchman skills has led to a lot of failed applications for employment in Epicentre. Recently he has gotten lucky by being taken on by Geist, a Villain Boris stumbled into in the middle of an art theft. His fellow Underlings tend to keep as much distance from him as possible due to his overwhelming tendency to cause collateral damage in whatever tasks his boss assigns him. But for reasons unknown to Boris, Geist seems to trust in him more than most of his other minions.
Villain name: Geist
Genre: Egomaniacs
Your relationship to the villain: On probation due to being a new hire but oddly trusted compared to his longer-serving colleagues
Creator: GMs
- Teacher’s Pet (+2)
- ‘Tis but a scratch! (+2)
- Collateral Damage (-2)
- Lab Rat (+2)
Playstyle Options
- Chances of Success: 1
- Darkness of Themes: 2
- Ballgowning: 3
Example 3
High Priest Aldarr (They/Them)
Background: If Aldarr had a life before The Great Unknowable One, it's long forgotten now. Bound to this great power, Aldarr is all too pleased to serve their small part in the grand plan. What role they play is impossible to say - Its plans are far greater than such a paltry being like Aldarr might know.
Villain name: The Great Unknowable Ones (It/Its)
Genre: Otherworldly
Description: The Great Unknowable Ones are elusive, yet ominpresent. It is nowhere and everywhere, existing in the shadows in the corners, and the lurking in the back of your mind. Gods? Daemons? Creatures of Immense Magic? You get the feeling if you could comprehend their true nature it would be the last thing you ever did.
- Power: 5
- Influence: 2
- Flexibility: 1
Notable NPC: 'The Breaker And The Broken'. Or at least, that's the best Aldarr can make sense of it. Years serving The Great Unknowable Ones and Aldarr can sort of get a sense of the different aspects - whether they are independent beings or simply fascimilies of the whole, The Breaker And The Broken is the part Aldarr seems to have with them at all times, lurking in their mind.
Goals: It is hard to know what the true end goals of the Unknowable Ones are - clearly much too great for mere mortal minds to comprehend. (GMs feel free to make something up for me to discover in play!)
Your relationship to the villain: One fateful journey deep underground, Aldarr stumbled across The Great Unknowable Ones. It quickly ensnared them, and Aldarr, now High Priest, is forever bound to serve It. Aldarr has never tried to escape, and even contemplating the idea causes them great pain, but being servitor to It has its advantages.
- Nobody Could have Survived That (+3): The Great Unknowable Ones have grand plans for Its High Priest. Death is not part of that plan… yet. If their body falls into shadow before it is purified with fire, Aldar finds they have not yet escaped the mortal plain.
- Non-human (+2): Aldarr may have been human once - but serving It has changed their phyiscal form irrevocably.
- Flair (+1): The Great Unknowable Ones' powers and actions are generally subtle, but when the occasion calls for it grand action can be an asset.
- Rumour-monger (+1): The best rumour is one that you can't quite remember where you heard it, and It has given Aldarr the ability to spread Its ideas far and wide.
- Lab Rat (+2): The Great Unknowable Ones bestow gifts great of power
- Lab Rat (-2): The Great Unknowable Ones bestow gifts great of power
- No Room For Failure (-3)
Playstyle Options
- Chances of Success: 5
- Darkness of Themes: 5
- Ballgowning: 2