Your IC email will be visible to everyone on your bio page. However, only people with a wiki account (i.e. players and GMs) can send emails to this IC email.
Any emails which are sent to an IC email address are visible to the entire GM team.
Any emails sent to an IC email address (from either a Primary or Secondary email address) will appear to come from an IC email address. Your OC email address is not exposed when sending to an IC email.
However, other metadata on your OC email address (e.g. the name which is associated with it in the email header) may be visible to the recipient.
Emails cannot be sent to IC email addresses (other than to the GM team) from other email addresses (i.e. email addresses which are not Primary or Secondary email addresses).
Your primary OC email is visible to the GM team, as this is required to administer your wiki account. It is not visible to players, even when you send email from this address through the IC system.
You may change your email addresses at any time by clicking the “Update Profile” link while logged in, (use
this link on mobile) to the end of any wiki
A primary email address is required for the account to exist. Once the game is over, you may change this to an invalid or non-existent address if you wish to keep the ability to log in, but do not wish your OC email address to be stored. This will prevent you from being contacted via the IC email system.
Do not do this during the game. This will result in you no longer having access to the IC email system, which is required to play.
This will prevent you from recovering your account if you forget your password.
Do not change your email address to ANY IC address. This breaks the wiki.
We will use your email addresses only for game related purposes and will not disclose them outside the GM team.
When setting up your account, we will set your email address to be the one supplied in the character creation form.