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Turn 5 News

Conch Pro Union?

A spokeswoman for the Conch Enterprises Board of Director, Tiffany Taylor, has issued a statement from the board stating that Conch Enterprises is expressing unequivocal support for the Glassworker's Union's ongoing strike and urges Abyssal Glassworks to come back to the bargaining table in good faith. The work these glassworkers do is invaluable to the operations of Conch Enterprises and it is bad for business for Abyssal Glassworks to continue to refuse the demands of their workers.

Surprise Death

Abizyl museum enthusiasts today are mourning the unexpected loss of their benefactor The Archivist. Last night The Archivist and a member of museum security, one Aspen Hollier were found dead in Abizyl Shipwreck and Maritime Museum. So far no-one has come forward for this death. If anyone has any information please contact Abizyl Police

Riots Escalate

Unfortunately the riots in Epicentre have not calmed down since the events in Centre Stage Stadium two weeks ago. Rioters are believe to be a mixture of fans of various Villains from both in and out of town. Citizens all across the city but especially near the stadium are being increasingly subjected to violence. Demands of the tumultuous mob vary, but seem to be centred around a desire for direct entertainment immediately, or growing the riot itself. Calls from business leaders are for famous Villains to step in and appease the crowds.

SANA Deliveries Begin

Argon technologies are pleased to announce that the first of their customers are now receiving their new, top of the line SANA units. Orders are still being taken, with express options available (for a price) for those who wish to skip the fulfilment queue (currently estimated at 6 months for non-expedited orders).

Terrible Machine in the Quiverwoods

A dreadful vessel terrified occupants of the Quiverwoods last week. Rumours from the residents flow: the machine was flying metal, box-like but rounded, spinning blades above it, an awful noise like the roar of a furious waterfall. It flew over the forest, leaving damage to the canopy that foresters are calling “[expletives]”. It travelled over several settlements and followed the paths of many roads before swinging off in a seemingly random direction, reported to have caused no more damage and left shortly thereafter. Most damning and shocking of all, gunfire rained down from this, this, this - thing!

More measured reports relay to other parts of Nequam that a helicopter with the logo of Argon External Security bore down in pursuit of something unknown, before heading back to Central. Whether successful or not, reports differ and consist only of speculation.


An example of one of several conversations overheard in a Central café, between employees of Concrete Shoes Construction

“That logging site was haunted, I tell you! That's the problem with working in the Quiverwoods, all full of weird stuff and magic rules and fables and that kinda stuff kills folks!”

“We lost three people to the things there, and they're still insisting we have to go back. That demon-infested place in the Tenebrifics was bad enough - Garth still has those horns and speaks kinda funny occasionally - but this is going too far. Still, guess if they say jump we just need to ask where the cliff is, probably still safer than saying no…”

“'Ere, what's this leaflet? Underlings Union? Reckon they might be up for helping?”

ELC: Robots Are People Too

Initial deliveries of SANA units by Argon Technologies have been held up by protests at their shipping facilities, and the lairs of their customers. These protests appear to be spearheaded by the Electronic Liberation Collective, who stridently oppose this sale of “sentient” machines. While most of the protests have been peaceful1), the offices of GlobaCorp were burned down after their security services fired on the protestors. While the cause is not entirely clear, rumour has it that a glitch in the building's smart climate system caused it to raise the internal temperature of a storage room to several thousand degrees.

especially compared to the ELC's usual activities