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High Fantasy Turn 3 News

The Boot of the Damned Stamps Down

A rumoured change of policy from Queen Alyx, Ruler of the Damned was conclusively demonstrated to be nothing of the sort, as freshly-conquered lands were truly brought into the fold. Details are difficult to come by from the few fleeing survivors, but it's clear that any appearance of mercy was simply the calm before the storm as she prepared to take a firm grip with the iron fist for which she is legendary.

Razeraith Very Pissed Off

People have noted the absence of the golden dragon which was previously seen accompanying the established Villain. Razeraith appears to be displeased about this - well, more than they have been in usual times - judging by their furious roars echoing through the lands. It was even seen dropping a figure from its mouth from a great height. Is this the latest step in its tactics? Picking enemies up and taking them for a deadly flight? Residents around the mountains of its former lair desperately hope not.

Oseneth The Inexorable Very Pissed Off

Stewards from Oseneth's tower have been treading lightly in the last week. Apparently Their Inexorableness' recent plans did not go as, well, planned. Perhaps their hunt for arcane knowledge has been stymied? They're looking for more magical constructions, it is said. And more Underlings. Wouldn't want to be one of the old ones, that's for sure!

Her Infernal Majesty Arkh'Azia Somewhat Pissed Off

Oof. A bad date. People titter in taverns. It was all going so well. Careful, everyone.

Queen Alyx, Ruler Of The Damned, downgraded from Very Pissed Off

Well, that's something.