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High Fantasy News - Turn 2

Skeletons on the March

The fallout from the continuing escalation in the Tenebrific Mountains has now splilled over into other regions. A small force of Skeletons was spotted marching towards Abizyl. It is unclear yet what the aim of this move is, and whether people should be worried about counterattacks from outside interests.

Shock amongst Queen Alyx Ruler of the Damned's new subjects

Inhabitants of Queen Alyx's new vassal states - i.e. those that should be feeling damned - have expressed their shock at the fact that they remain alive in settlements that have not been annihilated. Word spreads rapidly of the merciful deeds and persuasive diplomacy of Queen Alyx's new general, Ides. Surrenders have been accepted and indiscriminate killing, looting, and resurrecting is not reported. Word is mixed regarding the reception of this change in warfare tactics. The advisors of Queen Alyx appear less happy. Queen Alyx and her General Ides are yet to comment.

Oseneth the Inexorable collects taxes in the form of cattle!

Their tax collector is 10 foot tall, red-skinned, and returns some of the cattle…

Indulgence Hosts the Queen of the Damned!

Relations between Her Infernal Majesty Arkh'azia and Queen Alyx, Ruler of the Damned have deepened after the Archon of the Brazen Legion returned the Obsidian Diadem to its rightful owner. Queen Alyx and a retinue visited the city of Indulgence, no doubt to sample the many delights it can offer - though whether this is a brief interlude or the beginning of an alliance remains to be seen.

Princess Porthitís Suffers Devastating Loss!

The combined forces of Queen Alyx and Queen Arkh'azia marched into what remains of Porthitía this week, winning a spectacular victory and robbing the penniless princess of even more land! Arkh'azia is seemingly not content with the amount that Porthitís has lost already; this devastating blow is surely going to be taken hard by the beleaguered beauty that is Princess Porthitís!