High Fantasy News - Turn 1

Return of an old aide

Word is that Oseneth the Inexorable has turned to an old aide again. Perhaps this is because they feel they are on a roll after the recent successful territorial gains. Perhaps they're simply looking for another Underling to stir up trouble. Either way, staff in the tower report a successful demon summoning ritual.

Porthitían Army Raids Intensify

Soldiers wearing the livery of Princess Eleutheria Porthitís have raided supply caches and taken border forts from smaller villains as she prepares her positions to assault the demons. While her goal might be the reconquest of her ancestral lands, it's clear she's willing to make an enemy of anyone whose holdings could be of use in her campaign.

Razeraith Driven Out

The dragon of legend has been driven out of their previous lair, and a new army has taken up residence in the cave. As a result, Razeraith has been on the war path, stealing anything shiny that's not nailed down (and indeed several shiny things that she's been able to rip out of the ground). Due to the chaos, it's been a little unclear exactly who's moved into the cave, but such an agressive move has only served to escalate tensions in the region. This could be all out war.