Brothers of the cult of Hrghflar I bring great tidings and auspicious portents. Our long years of monitoring the floor of the great sea of Abizyl have finally borne fruit. It is my firmly held belief that this very day I have seen visions of heralds of the Great One. As you know I have been diligently observing the surroundings from my cave on the seafloor, as do we all from our own meditation chambers, and I have seen a sign.
No this is not the sign I spoke of last month with the fish swimming in a formation of the letters “C and D”, (though that is a serious matter which deserves further contemplation) but a much more significant sighting. For during my meditation I have seen the materialisation of two heralds of the Great Submerged One. Two humanoid figures! Strolling through the great depths like it was their own backyard. They were hand-in-hand the whole way, which surely symbolises mighty Hrghflar’s wish to unite with us, their faithful followers. They were smiling, which is surely a sign that the blessings of Hrghflar will be upon us soon. And most importantly of all, one of the figures, upon detecting my reverent gaze, morphed before my very eyes from a skeletal form to a figure of flesh and blood with bright hair. This is assuredly confirmation that the Eminent Inundated One will bring us new life from the sea and that we shall thrive!
I await your joyous reply
Brother Dampish
Parchment found in the Empty headquarters of the Cult of Hrghflar
The Tealward ancestry is of course a prestigious line. The most prominent members of this group are of course Lettstat Seven Tealward and Roseanna Perkins, both exemplary bearers of the noble titles that they have inherited. The deeds of Roseanna Perkins are well known and detailed elsewhere but the contributions of Lettstat Seven Tealward bear repetition. Not only did they establish the Tealward School of Magic here in the Silvered Realm, an institution that still holds significant political sway to this day, but throughout their many years of domicile in the Silvered Realms they have provided a constant proper example of what it means to be nobility. They emphasise duty to one's community, valor in the face of adversity, and commitment to one’s cause. All of which personify the noblesse oblige that the Tealward family has come to signify.
There is some slight historical contention surrounding the ancestors of the Tealward family before Lettstat’s time, but the relevant documents have been reviewed and found to be legitimate. In fact during this period it was discovered that Lettstat Seven Tealward was indeed at one point 6th in line for the Silvery Throne. Historians who have previously cast aspersions on the Tealward peerage are now wallowing in disgrace.
Excerpt from Goose’s Peerage
Dancing Lights - Illusion Cantrip
Components: Verbal: Choris Luminum Somatic: Gesture from closed fist at opposite shoulder to open palm with straight outstretched arm Material: A piece of phosphorous or neon crystal
Duration: One minute
Effect: You create up to four torch-sized lights within range, making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the air for the duration. With additional effort, you can move the lights up to 60 feet as long as the lights remain within 20 feet of each other
Notes: Though this is a basic cantrip for budding wizards of numerous related fields, aspiring illusionists would do well to study and practice this incantation in great detail. This spell has been the cornerstone of my magical career and contains within it many of the elements of illusion magic that will benefit a magician of any skill level. This spell has many practical purposes such as distraction or obfuscation and can be further refined with studious effort to produce more complicated and convincing illusions. It is no exaggeration to say that without this spell, I would not be where I am today.
Section of Archmage Lettstat Seven Tealward’s “Hiding in Plain Sight”