======High Fantasy News - Turn 0 ====== ==== Porthitían Heir Makes Stand ==== Princess Eleutheria Porthitís, heir apparent to family Porthitía, has been turning some heads. She has been going about, recruiting an army, to "Fight back agains the horrors that have ruled our lands for too long." Eleutheria's has specifically set her sights on demons, presumably an old family vendetta after they were responsible for killing her family. While it's uncertain which demons were originally involved, many suspect that Anathema or Arkh'Azia might be initial targets for the Princess's retribution, as some of the big names in the demon world. ==== Razeraith Stirs ==== Those nearby to the cave where Razeraith lurks have heard rumblings, suggesting the creature may be about to emerge. Those who live in the area know this is never a good sign; whether it's out to get loot or prey, this is likely to spell trouble for everyone. There are speculations that Razeraith may be out to claim Queen Alyx's Obsidian Diadem for themselves. After all such a piece would make a perfect addition to his hoard. Yet others believe that it may be in response to the whiff of war on the horizon; though who Razeraith might go after is anyone's guess. ==== Queen Alyx Strikes Out ==== Following the theft of the Obsidian Diadem, Queen Alyx, Ruler of the Damned has been on the warpath. Several smaller, but long-established, villains in the neighbouring areas have already been crushed on her warpath. The message is clear: she will not be taking this theft lightly. Beware!